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October 20, 2020

Low virus impact in Mallorca

The second wave of the Coronavirus is hitting hard all around Europe and specially in Spain. The situation in Madrid and some other areas in the mainland is very complicated at the moment.

Around this situation, the Balearic Islands are doing quite well. The impact is not very bad, and the infection rate is one of the lowest in the country. Our hospitals are not overfilled and the intensive stations are mostly free.

Our local government has set up some additional restrictions in some areas of Palma, where the infection rate was higher. But the rest of the island has a normal life. Of course the face masks are obligatory and the restaurants can have less guests than normal. But we can say that life is quite “normal” right now, specially in view of other places.

Let’s cross fingers and do things well, so that we continue in this special position!

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